Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Such is life!

Places we visit and things we do in our everyday routine/lifestyle, itself is a palette of surprises, joyousness, realizations and bewilderment.

I quote one such episode here:
“Just like any other Saturday morning, I had been busy, running home errands to pay our monthly electricity bill, refill groceries stock at home and visit an uncle at hospital. I wanted to remain focused on the tasks at hand, a feeling that dawns every typical Saturday morning, when one feels “my time”/”weekend” has begun.

I decided to hurriedly drop off the electricity bill at the BSES office. I rushed to the counter, happy that I was on time five minutes past nine, to make a quick payment and move ahead, But to my dismay, I realized the counter was shut.

I sat on the main gate, looking over my shoulder at every passerby, hoping that they were the concerned official.

An old lady walks by, picks up the broom and starts cleaning the compound alley. And I begin to wonder when the government services would become prompt and reliable.

A tall heavily built man enters the premises, walks towards the counter and stamps his feet over the ground. Okay, so he is Neha no.2. in some kind of rush with life.

The third person through the gate was a man on his crutches. I looked ahead as he slowly limped his way past me. Assuming him to be Neha no.3, I wondered if I should re plan the day ahead and visit this office at noon. My wait had lasted longer than thirty minutes already.

Hearing some distant screeching sound, I looked back and jumped to see the window open. How did I miss the ghost pass by me? I smiled and ran to the counter. I was stunned to see what I saw ahead of me. Neha no. 3 says “Madam, Aapka cheque kahan hai?”

We make so many assumptions about people over the first glance, which biases the possibilities the person brings along with them.

Looks can be deceiving."

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