Saturday, December 8, 2007

Why to blog ?

I seem to have a lot of spare time in my hand lately. Having involved myself in every other activity that I have ever since wanted to do, writing’ is the only one I consider unexplored. Not that I can boast about my finesse, but there’s nothing wrong in encouraging oneself.
Seeking for some guidance, I explored the Web curiously and came across some peculiar and intriguing blogs. Frankly, there are TOO many people blogging these days. Why? Are we falling short of people to whom we can talk to? Are we hesitant to express ourselves orally? Are we scared of what the on face reaction would be? Are we looking for a non confrontational dialogue with strangers? Or else on a more optimistic note, are we testing our writing skills? Are we trying to help our friends online with our information database? Are we looking for friends with similar thought process? Or assuming that we are good, are we fishing for compliments from strangers? Whatever it may be, I am game for it. My inclination is primarily towards honing my writing skills and expressing myself freely (which I practice orally too). I would love to invest my precious resources rightly by expressing my world though this blog.
Likewise, I would add that this youth occupation is a fundamental replacement of the personal diaries which we were taught to write at the school. The difference is clearly visible that today nobody wants to SHUT UP. It is a talking world around. Everybody is openly expressing themselves out loud. Keeping shut would either portray thickness of our grey cells or our coyness. Either way one doesn’t stand a chance, unless we articulate our thoughts in words. “WORDS “- See how important they are. What I am getting to here, is that one doesn’t feel the need to write in a diary today that remains locked in its personal space, hidden from the world, only to discover the antique in the junkyard of their house, years later and appreciate the rustic thought process.
Words make us outshine the glory of our introvert personal space. Expressions make us feel heard and rightful. Aren’t these reasons enough to get going with this trend?
Blogs also act as a secondary research for many individuals, who wouldn’t want to falter or prefer putting the right foot forward. Therefore, they have a probing and protruding desire to know, whether anybody else, in this world has gone through an experience with the remotest of similarity.
Basically I feel the bottom-line is that whoever thinks a lot should blog. It’s a more productive puke, which leaves ways and means for the world to come lick it….So come let’s vomit BLOGG…

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